Deep Experience in Electrical Products Enhances Worker Safety
A look back at Woodhead’s developments in electrical and lighting equipment that support worker safety can help the industrial world navigate the terrain ahead.
A look back at Woodhead’s developments in electrical and lighting equipment that support worker safety can help the industrial world navigate the terrain ahead.
The quickening pace of innovation in the automotive sector is gaining speed with the intensity and intrigue of a Fast & Furious film. The industry also is transforming rapidly, impacting next-generation vehicle architectures, driving experiences, partner ecosystems and production manufacturing. Increasingly, tomorrow’s cars and trucks will embody the traits and technologies of powerful computer systems fueled by software, storage, connectivity and computing—essentially performing like a “data center on wheels.”
When you order an item from home and the doorbell rings with your delivery six hours later, you’re experiencing the gold standard of customer service. Chances are, your order came from Amazon, which has set and then exceeded the standard for eCommerce – even during the height of a global pandemic. The Amazon effect, as it has come to be known, has changed our expectations for customer experience forever. As consumers, we all view our interactions, both personal and professional, through a distinctly Amazon lens.