MD&M West – More than just a show for Molex…
The MD&M West show February 14-16th [Molex MD&M] is more than an exhibition for Molex – it is the tangible result of the Molex commitment to support the medical interconnects market (BTW it is a 10’by15’ – moving on up!). It is never easy for an organization to embrace a paradigm shift from the traditional business that has made them successful to a new market venture where not only the vernacular is different but the business models are polar opposite.
In the two years I have been with Molex I have seen the growth from vision to planning and now execution with the announcement of the formation of the medical business unit within Molex (coincidentally timed for the MD&M show!). To support this strategic initiative Wayne Shockloss, a long time medical interconnect expert, has been brought in to execute the plan. Wayne and I have been in the medical market before it was vogue and I look forward to working with rather than competing against.
In addition to the traditional Molex connector products and integrated solutions you will see relevant transition products and capabilities oriented to the Medical market under the MediSpec™ category [ Molex Strengthens its Commitment to the Medical Industry with Several Strategic Business Developments].
Additionally key medical centric acquisitions are fortifying the Molex MediSpec value proposition including the recent addition of specialty wire Temp-Flex to the portfolio.
If you are at the show come by the Molex booth 2074 and check it out.